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Bédarieux Southern Breath

Publié dimanche 19 avril 2015Modifié mardi 07 mars 2017 à 10h15

Bédarieux is located in the South of France, Occitanie in the west of the department of Herault, in the Regional Natural Park of Haut Languedoc.

In a natural setting, this small town of 6,500 inhabitants appears as an urban center. Economic and tourist hub, a vibrant city center and a must for a dynamic population of a territory of over 22 000 residents which corresponds to the large community of communes Grand Orb created in 2014. Its four hundred shops and services, its health pole, college center, its outdoor activities, his social life and an industry with unique expertise make of Bédarieux a radiant and attractive city.

Aware of its rich natural heritage, Bédarieux entered a project Agenda 21, which places sustainable development and quality of life at the heart of its projects.

Bédarieux is a city of art and culture open to the beauty of the world, a city where cultural activity has been the engine of modernization and development of the city. Mediterranean culture is meaningful and narrow links are born of cooperation with southern countries.

Bédarieux is an ancient mining and industrial city. The city has experienced in its history a strong population growth throughout the first half of last century. During this prosperous period, the habitat has developed considerably giving blocks of dense residential areas. With the closing of mines and many factories in the 50s and 60s, the number of inhabitants has steadily declined thereafter.

For 30 years, the municipality has implemented a series of measures to modernize and revitalize the city (services, urban renewal, equipment, cultural and associative life, habitat). Its action for habitat renovation is often cited as an example.

Between 1999 and 2006, the city of Bédarieux knew a strong population growth (+ 9.5%). The population has since stabilized.

Contact the tourist office for more information :

Maison de Pays, 1 rue de la République

Monday to Friday 9am > 12am, 2pm > 6pm, Saturday 9am > 12am

+ 33 (0)4 67 95 08 79

Contact by email

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